CYBERDOG dress outfit
Hello my lovely people,
the wait is finally over. My all new outfit post is here and I am happy to show you a dress I bought at Cyberdog (Camden) in London. I couldn't wait for the day to wear this gorgeous dress for the first time. It is a long maxi dress which is open on both sides, so on the side it's pretty much like a mini skirt, but long at the front and back. The motive on the front of the dress, which goes from the very top to the bottom, is very futuristic and my friend's told me it reminds her of a"Transformers" totem pole. I didn't think so at first, but as I thought about it, it kind of makes sense to me now ;D
I hope you like it, let me know. Fancy a post about my makeup on these photos?
Enjoy <3
Photos are again by my dear friend Elisabeth -->
Anna Florentina
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